Second blog today but wanted to begin to tell you about the short film we’re hoping to make and how we’d like to show it. We’re hoping to get sponsored to buy or rent a couple of cameras to put onto the bikes. We’ll use them to record parts of the journey and then supplement these recordings with interviews and conversations with members of the public who come along to support us. We’ll also film politiicians and any other well known people who agree to support us. It’s all about how treatment for cancer doesn’t necessarily mean we all have to stop doing things like cycling, swimming..walking. Infact having treatment for cancer might be the moment that we start taking exercise really seriously. It could be a walk in the park every day, half an hour in your local gym or a couple of lengths in the pool… The idea is that we would pass on the film to some of the cancer charities and organisations and hopefully arange some screenings where we can explain what we did (hopefully!) and why. We’re also going to make an exhibition of the photos we take along the way and lend the exhibition out to oncology centres, hospitals or whoever would like to put it up. We guarantee there will be a lot of funny, embarassing, omg moments! The quality of editing etc will be dependent on sponsorship raised, so fingers crossed!
Reka, do you think it’s a good idea to do a sponsorship ‘wish list’ on the blog, listing items needed and the cost of them.. so people know that if they give £20 for example, that’s a ferry crossing or £50 is a twin room in a b and b?
Yes yes I think it is an excellent idea
will work on sponsorship page tomorrow evening and send you it to see what you think. Off to York in the morning to do girls’ weekend with my lovely daughter! x x x
Hi Reka & Penny, do let us know if you need any help editing the film. Marc (my husband) is a BBC editor and we have Final Cut Pro here at home. I’m a producer and have produced lots of short films and would be happy to work on the film if that helps. Don’t think about the cost, it would be a fun project and our contribution. Lots of love, Toni (Penny’s sister).
HI Penny
I have phoned the lovely guy Stu from our bike shop and he has 3 cameras we can borrow !!!
Editing and producing would be fantastic for us!!! I have just seen your comment. I will tell Carl straightaway. Love you. Pen xx